Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fuji Yuuta

04/01/1997 Aspect 02/18/1996 Orb/Value

Sun Conjunction Venus 1.18 278

Sun Square Jupiter 2.11 -146

Mercury Sextile Sun 1.15 165

Mercury Square Uranus 2.13 -92

Venus Conjunction Venus 1.02 72

Venus Square Jupiter 1.54 -109

Mars Opposition Saturn 2.51 -52

Saturn Conjunction Venus 0.03 145

Saturn Square Jupiter 0.49 -106

Uranus Conjunction Mercury 4.30 80

Neptune Conjunction Mercury 3.45 83

Neptune Conjunction Uranus 2.24 72

Neptune Conjunction Neptune 3.15 60

Pluto Sextile Mercury 1.59 37

Pluto Conjunction Pluto 2.24 61

1053 -505 548


Inter-planetary aspects

The following aspects between planets concern the possible relationships between two charts: especially the emotional and romantic relationship, but also aspects on social, intellectual and spiritual levels.

278 Conjunction Sun - Venus

Positive aspect: It's not only about love, it's about "like". It would be a good idea to schedule plenty of leisure time together, especially when other problems arise in the relationship, if only to remind each other how much they truly enjoy each other's company, tastes, and interests. They go well together, they love each other, and feel good, happy and radiant in each other's company. There is much attraction, especially on the part of the Venus person. They are capable of charming each other. Sometimes, they gloss over problems and conflicts just in order to keep the peace, which is not a good idea in the long run.

165 Sextile Sun - Mercury

Positive aspect: They are able to solve problems when they put their heads together. Respect for each other's intelligence. Good understanding between the two persons and intellectual interests in common, the same type of curiosity.

-146 Square Sun - Jupiter

Negative aspect: While they get on well when they first meet, sharing the same ideas and tastes, with the years their ideas change and they do not develop in the same way. They will no longer understand each other and could split up because they no longer love each other, have nothing more in common.

145 Conjunction Venus - Saturn

Positive aspect: This union could be favorable and lasting, if Venus is really looking for a mature person to be with. There can be a certain level of self-consciousness together that is always present, no matter how long they are together. There is a lot of loyalty between them, and a feeling of responsibility for one another.

-109 Square Venus - Jupiter

Negative aspect: A life together that can be very challenging at times on an intellectual level. Intellectual misunderstandings, diametrically opposed tastes, different ideas.

-106 Square Jupiter - Saturn

Negative aspect: Difficult relationship as a couple, the two being too different even to complement each other.

-92 Square Mercury - Uranus

Negative aspect: They frequently are impatient with each other. If they insist on living together, there will be disputes and frequent tension.

83 Conjunction Mercury - Neptune

Positive aspect: Good spiritual understanding.

80 Conjunction Mercury - Uranus

Positive aspect: No clouds in this couple's life. They have a good intellectual understanding, take pleasure in being together, in discussing and exchanging ideas.

72 Conjunction Venus - Venus

Positive aspect: Complete respect for each other's romantic style. They don't easily offend each other and instinctively understand what makes the other person happy. Conflicts arise, but they are generally smoothed over with ease, as there is good will between them. Very good aspect for a successful union. Love, gaiety, understanding.

-52 Opposition Mars - Saturn

Negative aspect: It is very challenging for such a union to be happy, but if it progresses, it could easily become unbearable! Both parties must be committed to happiness in order for this to work.

37 Sextile Mercury - Pluto

Positive aspect: Favorable union of the minds. They speak to each other about things they never talk about to others.


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