Thursday, August 19, 2010


I change a lot of things and I hope you enjoy them.

School's.... alright right now.

My Schedule.

Homeroom/ World History
Keyboarding/ Business Finance
World History (AGAIN)
Spanish 1

*Got in the same class as HANA.
**I Miss Lashay, my bestest friend.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Numerology Reading Part 2

Your Life's Path: Here are clues to what fate has in store for you. It indicates the type of encounters, events, and opportunities you are likely to experience along your physical life path. Number: 4
Your life is filled with things practical, or making them so with patience, care, and accuracy. You have a strong sense of what is right and are naturally honest, conscientious, and sincere.
You are a worker and can be decidedly dedicated to your goals. In your work, you can be loyal, intense, and dedicated to the job at hand. You tend to be practical, and like to have your facts straight before beginning a project. You can handle money well and tend to keep resources in reserve. You tend to be conservative and protective, with a strong sense of dignity and worthiness.
Your path holds possibilities for great attainment. The rewards come because of patience, service, persistence, hard work, and dependability.
This Year's Path: Here is what you are likely to encounter this year -- your feelings, your predominant perspective, and the type of situations, circumstances, and opportunities you tend to attract during the calendar year. Number: 8
This is your year of achievement, your year to make great strides in business, employment, promotions, monetary compensation, and/or the accumulation of possessions. It is your harvest time.
You feel ambition stirring, a desire to better your financial condition. To accomplish this, it is necessary to be businesslike, efficient, and practical all year.
Many opportunities present themselves. To gain your rewards, move forward in a businesslike manner and with sustained effort. Your state of mind, mental capacity, education, experience, and self-confidence are all part of your success and financial advancement.
You feel desire to make a special effort to improve or bring to a successful conclusion some of the ideas and dreams of the past years.
This is a year of action. Place your abilities on the market with a sense of self-confidence and authority

Numerology Reading Part 1

Your Inner or Soul's Urge: This is spiritual and emotional expression more than physical. It is your heart-felt desires, your incentive, how you look at life. Here are your areas of personal satisfaction. Number: 7

Deep down, you desire the best life has to offer. This includes living your inner life in peace and silence. You have a keen sense of perfection and like to meditate and analyze, dissect, examine, and consider things from every angle. And you can definitely do without poverty, the transitory, and the noise and confusion of the business world.

You love huge libraries, old and well-maintained gardens, classic pictures, and time mellowed furniture. You are intellectual, scientific, philosophical, deeply intuitive, and a well of secrecy. You are sought after for your wisdom. Probably you are somewhat shy and deeply emotional, but with a horror of showing it.
For more complete personal understanding of life, work on expressing your emotions, trusting your feelings, less avoidance, and being sympathetic and understanding with people. You possess a tremendous inner wisdom.

Your Personality: This is physical expression more than spiritual or emotional; your outer self, the way you express when meeting others. It may or may not be the real you. Number: 3
You are seen as a colorful, cheerful, and entertaining person; a natural host or hostess. You can cheer up a lifeless party. Friends are important to you, and you are easy to talk to.
In communication, you tend to elaborate and exaggerate in the direction of color and creativity, preferring to overlook the drab and mundane.
If you take on too many activities at once, you can appear superficial or contrived.
You probably enjoy wearing jewelry and fancy clothing. Just don't overdress or wear extreme styles in relation to the occasion.
Your Quiescent Self: Stripping away all outside influences, aspirations, ambitions, "shoulds", and "shouldn'ts" -- this is you when you are alone; just you and your dreams.. Number: 3
You are popular, attractive, and sought after. You are successful in one or more artistic fields -- designing, decorating, painting, acting, singing, sculpting, or related arts. A guest list is not complete without your name. You are applauded for your talents and spread happiness wherever you go. It all comes natural to you.
Your thoughts and pleasure are related to seeding happiness and personal recognition of your artistic talents.
Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal: This is your desired lifetime accomplishment. It is a key to a useful and happy life, and to feeling fulfillment during your latter days. Number: 1
Your destiny is leadership. You come to this position through your own actions. Not by aggressive or dominant behavior, but by relying on your own inner strength, self-reliance, and determination. Your originality and your initiative can put you in a place of authority or leadership during your lifetime.
You have a healthy respect for individuality. You are innovative, and are often asked to lead, direct, and manage the affairs of people and organizations. When you have specifically defined and visualized goals, your powers of concentration and focus allow you to achieve them quickly and fully. You are happiest in the role of pioneer, explorer, creator, inventor, leader, director, chief executive, owner of any business, or editor of any periodical publication.
You wish to be left unhampered to carry out your own ideas.
P.S.- ALOT of this is TRUE.

P.S.S.- I Love This Song.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Crazy, Weird, and Strange. Oh My!

Cool Tittle Right? I Know.

Would you like to know if you would have been compatible with a childhood crush? Does your birthdate make you compatible (or not) with your current partner? Would you like to test your birthdate compatibility with a potential up coming date, just in case?
Perhaps you would just like a FREE Psychic Reading ?
Here's a fun way of using numerology to see whether you would be compatible with a famous person, a lost lover, your secret crush you had at school or a date that is yet to be!
If you'd like to see if your compatibility in love is locked in your birthdate then read on to find out...
Remember that it's only for fun though!
There are many ways of testing for compatibility in love... as well as looking at star signs, planets and tarot cards, numerologists have been using birthdates to test for compatibility for centuries.

The topic of numerology is huge and can take years of study to master. While many compatibility tests can be very complex and difficult ours is very simple and straight-forward because all the calculations are done to arrive at a single number.

This means that you only need the meaning for one compatibility number instead of having lots of different numbers and their meanings to take into account.

Remember though that while checking your love by birthdate and birthdate compatibility is fun you shouldn't base your important decisions on love and relationships on a fun test like this.

After all if we only based our decisions on love compatibility by birthdate we would miss out on so many things, wouldn't we?
If you really want an in-depth test or report then you can get one from one of our partner websites HERE, you can read our many articles on love, dating and compatibility on our articles page or you can get your FREE Psychic Love Reading here.
Janelle's Example
My BDay = April 1 1997 or 04/01/1997
His BDay = November 4 1996 or 09/04/1996
4+1+1+9+9+7 = 31
9+4+1+9+9+6 = 38
31 + 38 = 69
6 + 9 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
Venus rules the number six and is the goddess of love! This means that relationships relating to this will quite often have unconditional love, nurturing and empathy.

People in relationships influenced by the number six can often have “old fashioned values” being nurturing, providers and work very hard indeed to keep the peace.

Although a number six relationship can be very homely and stable, watch out for possessiveness.


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Check it out! Check it OUT!

But it's not finished. :(

But.. We have other accomplishments in this post.

This is the first post in TWO months that does not include a astrology chart.

It has a picture that YOU and credit ME for.

This time.

Click the picture to enlarge the Unfinished piece of creativy.


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