Your Inner or Soul's Urge: This is spiritual and emotional expression more than physical. It is your heart-felt desires, your incentive, how you look at life. Here are your areas of personal satisfaction. Number: 7
Deep down, you desire the best life has to offer. This includes living your inner life in peace and silence. You have a keen sense of perfection and like to meditate and analyze, dissect, examine, and consider things from every angle. And you can definitely do without poverty, the transitory, and the noise and confusion of the business world.
You love huge libraries, old and well-maintained gardens, classic pictures, and time mellowed furniture. You are intellectual, scientific, philosophical, deeply intuitive, and a well of secrecy. You are sought after for your wisdom. Probably you are somewhat shy and deeply emotional, but with a horror of showing it.
For more complete personal understanding of life, work on expressing your emotions, trusting your feelings, less avoidance, and being sympathetic and understanding with people. You possess a tremendous inner wisdom.
Your Personality: This is physical expression more than spiritual or emotional; your outer self, the way you express when meeting others. It may or may not be the real you. Number: 3
You are seen as a colorful, cheerful, and entertaining person; a natural host or hostess. You can cheer up a lifeless party. Friends are important to you, and you are easy to talk to.
In communication, you tend to elaborate and exaggerate in the direction of color and creativity, preferring to overlook the drab and mundane.
If you take on too many activities at once, you can appear superficial or contrived.
You probably enjoy wearing jewelry and fancy clothing. Just don't overdress or wear extreme styles in relation to the occasion.
Your Quiescent Self: Stripping away all outside influences, aspirations, ambitions, "shoulds", and "shouldn'ts" -- this is you when you are alone; just you and your dreams.. Number: 3
You are popular, attractive, and sought after. You are successful in one or more artistic fields -- designing, decorating, painting, acting, singing, sculpting, or related arts. A guest list is not complete without your name. You are applauded for your talents and spread happiness wherever you go. It all comes natural to you.
Your thoughts and pleasure are related to seeding happiness and personal recognition of your artistic talents.
Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal: This is your desired lifetime accomplishment. It is a key to a useful and happy life, and to feeling fulfillment during your latter days. Number: 1
Your destiny is leadership. You come to this position through your own actions. Not by aggressive or dominant behavior, but by relying on your own inner strength, self-reliance, and determination. Your originality and your initiative can put you in a place of authority or leadership during your lifetime.
You have a healthy respect for individuality. You are innovative, and are often asked to lead, direct, and manage the affairs of people and organizations. When you have specifically defined and visualized goals, your powers of concentration and focus allow you to achieve them quickly and fully. You are happiest in the role of pioneer, explorer, creator, inventor, leader, director, chief executive, owner of any business, or editor of any periodical publication.
You wish to be left unhampered to carry out your own ideas.
P.S.- ALOT of this is TRUE.
P.S.S.- I Love This Song.